8 Nisan 2012 Pazar

John Buchan

İskoçyalı John Buchan (Baron Tweedsmuir) diplomat, avukat, gazeteci, tarihçi, şair ve roman yazarıdır. Serüven romanları, kısa hikaye ve biyografiler yazmıştır. Romanlarında çizdiği karakterler romantik özellikler taşıyan, güçlü kişiliklerdir. Bu karakterlerden Richard Hannay, Dickson McCunn ve Sir Edward Leithen'ı birkaç kere işlemiştir. En ünlü romanı The Thirty-Nine Steps (Otuz Dokuz Basamak) Alfred Hitchcock yönetmenliğinde filme çekilmiştir.

Richard Hannay Serisi;
(1915) The Thirty-Nine Steps (Otuz Dokuz Basamak)
(1916) Greenmantle (Doğudaki Sır)
(1919) Mr.Standfast
(1924) The Three Hostages
(1932) The Island Of Sheep
Sir Edward Leithen Serisi;
(1916) The Power House
(1925) John Macnab
(1926) The Dancing Floor
(1932) The Gap in the Curtain
(1941) Sick Heart River
Dickson McCunn Serisi;
(1922) Huntingtower
(1925) Castle Gay
(1925) The House of the Four Winds
(1896) Scholar-Gipsies
(1896) Sir Quixote of the Moors
(1898) John Burnet of Barns
(1899) Grey Weather A Lost Lady of Old Years
(1900) The Half-Hearted
(1902) The Watcher by the Threshold
(1903) The African Colony
(1905) The Law Relating to the Taxation of Foreign Income
(1906) A Lodge in the Wilderness
(1908) Some Eighteenth Century Byways
(1910) Prester John
(1910) The Moon Endureth
(1911) Sir Walter Raleigh
(1912) What the Home Rule Bill Means
(1913) The Marquis of Montrose
(1913) Andrew Jameson, Lord Ardwall
(1915 )Salute to Adventurers
(1915) Britain's War by Land
(1915) The Achievement of France
(1915) Ordeal by Marriage
(1916) The Future of the War
(1916) The Battle of the Somme, First Phase
(1916) The Purpose of War
(1916) The Battle of Jutland
(1917) Poems, Scots and English
(1917) The Battle of the Somme, Second Phase
(1919) These for Remembrance
(1919) The Battle Honours of Scotland 1914-1918
(1920) The History of the South African Forces in France
(1920) Francis and Riversdale Grenfell
(1920) The Long Road to Victory
(1921) The Path of the King
(1922) A History of the Great War
(1922) A Book of Escapes and Hurried Journeys
(1923) Midwinter The
(1923) The Last Secrets
(1923) A History of English Literature
(1923) Days to Remember
(1924) Some Notes on Sir Walter Scott
(1924) Lord Minto, a Memoir
(1925) The History of the Royal Scots Fusiliers 1678-1918
(1925) The Man and the Book: Sir Walter Scott
(1925) Two Ordeals of Democracy
(1926) Homilies and Recreations
 (1927) Witch Wood
(1928) The Runagates Club
(1929) The Courts of the Morning
(1930) The Kirk in Scotland (with George Adam Smith)
(1930) Montrose and Leadership
(1930) Lord Rosebery, 1847-1929
(1931) The Novel and the Fairy Tale
(1931) The Blanket of the Dark
 (1932) The Magic Walking Stick
(1932) Julius Caesar
(1932) Andrew Lang and the Borders
(1933) The Massacre of Glencoe
(1933) The Margins of Life
(1933) A Prince of the Captivity
(1934) The Free Fishers
(1934) Gordon at Khartoum
(1934) Oliver Cromwell
(1935) The King's Grace
(1937) Augustus
(1938) The Interpreter's House
(1938) Presbyterianism Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow
(1940) Memory Hold-the-Door (US title: Pilgrim's Way)
(1940) Comments and Characters
(1940) Canadian Occasions
(1941) The Long Traverse (US title: Lake of Gold)
(1984) The Far Islands and Other Tales of Fantasy

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